

Using the online editor

Visit our online editor and code away! Just make sure to save your HEML and HTML locally before you leave.

Using the Command Line

Install the heml package globally.

npm install heml -g

Create your HEML email in email.heml:

    <subject>Email Rox!</subject>
      body { background: SkyBlue; }
      h1 { color: DarkViolet; }
      <marquee><h1>Hello world ๐Ÿ’Œ</h1></marquee>

The CLI allows you to get started quickly. The develop command will watch for any changes you make and refresh the browser. It's great for iterating quickly at the beginning.

heml develop email.heml --open

Once you are happy with your email run the build command to get code ready to be sent off the inbox.

heml build email.heml

Use the --help flag to get an overview the commands and options the CLI offers.

heml --help


By default your CSS will be inlined. You can turn this off using the --embed flag in the CLI. To embed CSS regardless of that option see the <style> element.

Using Node

HEML at its core is an NPM module that you can install and use in Node.js. Install it locally to get started.

npm install heml

In your JavaScript file, import HEML and pass it as a string to be rendered.

const heml = require('heml');

const options = {
  validate: 'soft', // validation levels - 'strict'|'soft'|'none'
  cheerio: {}, // config passed to cheerio parser
  juice: {},
  beautify: {}, // config passed to js-beautify html method
  elements: [
    // any custom elements you want to use

      <subject>My Email</subject>
          <column><p>hi there!</p></column>
`, options)
.then(({ html, metadata, errors }) => {


In the returned value, you can access the rendered HTML, the metadata exported from the head, and any validation errors that occurred.