
Using CSS

HEML styling is driven through CSS. You can write your CSS per usual, just as if you were using HTML. Your CSS will then be modified to be in a safe email format.


block {
  padding: 10px;
  background-color: skyblue;

What properties are allowed?

Each HEML element has a list of the CSS properties it specifically allows. They fall into two categories: block and text elements. It's safe to assume that elements will support the following properties.

Block elements

margin padding width height
display background border box-shadow
text font color

Text elements

background border color text font

What color formats are supported?

You can use basically any color format in CSS. You want rgba(0,0,0,0.5)? You got it. You want skyblue? No problem. HEML supports all of them.

What units are supported?

We suggest using only px and %. If you use other units such as em or vh, HEML will simply pass those through.

Using media queries

You can use media queries safely in HEML. We suggest targeting anything smaller than 480px as mobile.

Note: Since the styles that are not in media queries get inlined by default, you need to add !important to CSS properties that are overriding properties outside of media queries. A fix for this bug is in the works.

Changing element displays

Because the markup is tied to specific display properties, it is not recommended to change the display property to inline for block elements, or to block for inline elements. You can use the display property to show and hide elements safely, though.

/* You can hide the block element with display: none; */
block.hidden {
  display: none;

/* This is 100% ๐Ÿ‘Œ*/
block.show {
  display: block;

 * it'll lead to weird things
block.inline {
  display: inline-block;